You might be surprised to know there are some very interesting similarities between Islam and Mormonism. Let's consider a few and compare them with the Bible.
1. Both Islam and Mormonism claim that Judaism and Christianity failed, all present day religions were false, and that the truth of God needed to be restored. The prophet Muhammad claimed to restore God's truth through the teaching of Islam, and the prophet Joseph Smith claimed he restored God's truth through the teachings of Mormonism. Both claim that Jesus Christ failed at preserving God's truth. The Bible says that Jesus promised to build His Church and the gates of hell would not prevail against ti. (See Matthew 16:18)
2. Muhammad and Joseph Smith claimed to be God's final prophet. Even though Mormonism continues the tradition of a present day prophet, the Mormon prophets have over time changed or adapted the teachings of Joseph Smith. While many Muslims believe God still gives revelation, most Muslims believe that Muhammad was God's final true prophet. The Bible teaches us that God has revealed His truth once and for all and given it to the world. (See Ephesians 2:20, 4:4-6, Jude 3)
3. Both Islam and Mormonism claim to have received new revelation from God in addition to the Bible. For Islam it is the Koran and for Mormonism it is the Book of Mormon, Doctrines and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price. Mormons also hold to the idea that the current living Mormon prophet (the president of the LDS church) is God's present day spokesman. While the Bible supports the idea of God speaking to and leading His people, the Bible also gives us clear warning that God will not speak contrary to or in opposition to the revelation He has already given in His word. God has given us Jesus and the Bible as a standard to measure any future "so called" revelation by. If the person, prophet or teacher declares things in opposition to what God has already revealed we are to reject it. God warns us that even the devil can appear as an angel of light or righteousness, but his desire is to lie, twist and distort the truth. (See 2 Corinthians 11:3-4, 13-15, Galatians 1:6-10, John 10:10, Luke 4:1-13, Genesis 3:1-8, Isaiah 8:20, Proverb 30:5-6)
4. Both Islam and Mormonism claim that the Bible has been corrupted through translations and is not trustworthy. And so they say that because God's revelation has been corrupted and distorted that God needed them to provide His "true, pure and un-corrupted" revelation to the world. Both Mormons and Muslims claim their holy books are pure and have been kept from corruption unlike the Bible. While Christians admit to minor differences in the various ancient manuscripts copies of the Bible due to scribal slips of the pen, there remains a consistent message among the manuscripts regarding all doctrinal issues. And while the various manuscripts of the Bible do include spelling errors and such, the differences do no change the entire person and nature of God and salvation like Islam and Mormonism do. Islam and Mormonism do not attempt to correct the spelling errors found in the biblical manuscripts, they attempt to rewrite God's revelation and reveal a completely different God, Jesus and way of salvation.
5. Both Muhammad and Joseph Smith claim to have received their revelations direct from an angel of God. Muhammad claimed he received his revelation from the angel Gabriel. Joseph Smith claimed his revelation was from God directly as well as the angel Moroni. The Bible warns us boldly not to receive any revelation from an angel or person that changes the Gospel message. Galatians 1:6-10
6. Both religions claimed that their new revelations were written on sacred books which were taken back to heaven and cannot be found on earth. Joseph Smith said his book was written on golden plates found on Mount Cumorah as revealed by the angel Moroni, and Muhammad claimed his "Mother book" was from paradise and returned to heaven by Gabriel. The Bible has left us 66 different books, written by over 40 authors, on 3 different continents, in 3 different languages, over 1600 years and yet combined they reveal one consistent message about God's plan to redeem mankind through the Savior. Whether its prophecy, history, archaeology, science or the over 25, 000 manuscript copies or fragments of the Bible, God has left plenty of evidence surrounding His revelation as well as great accountability to test the transmission and translation of the documents.
7. Both Muhammad and Joseph Smith claimed to be uneducated men and therefore their revelations and holy books were the result of supernatural inspiration and not themselves. The Bible agrees that you do not have to be highly educated to have God's revelation, but the Bible also teaches us that supernatural demons and spirits can also inspire people to do things or write things they could not do without supernatural assistance. Supernatural does not always mean God's miraculous power, it also could imply angelic or demonic miraculous power. See 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10. God commands us not only to test the teachings, but the "miracles" to see if they are in line with His Word and Character. (Read Deuteronomy 13 and compare with Deuteronomy 18:15-22)
8. Both of these "newer religions and holy books" represent a salvation that is based on human works and not on the grace and mercy of God. For example, both Islam and Mormonism teach that someone's eternal salvation can be earned through good works, giving, serving, personal self control and loyalty to their religion, book and prophet(s). This is important because the Bible clearly teaches that eternal life is a free gift given to us by Jesus Christ and good works are a result of thankfulness and a spiritually changed heart. (See Ephesians 2:8-10, Titus 3:3-7)
9. Both Islam and Mormonism speak about Jesus, but they portray Him as someone very different than what the Bible says. Both Islam and Mormonism present Jesus Christ as a prophet but not as God. Both have Jesus as a "brother" to mankind but not the Maker of mankind. While Islam would present Jesus as a brother to fallen men, Mormonism teaches that Jesus is the spirit brother of Lucifer (Satan) a fallen angel. The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus is Creator of all mankind and all angels. (See John 1:1-3, Colossians 1:15-18, Hebrews 1:1-3, 2:10)
10. In both Islam and Mormonism women in the afterlife are used for sexual purposes. In Islam women are virgins awaiting Muslim martyrs who died for Islam. In Mormonism women can become goddesses alongside their god-like husbands and be eternally pregnant, forever creating spirit children who will populate other worlds in hope of becoming gods and goddesses themselves. The Bible teaches that heaven is a place where people are neither married nor having sex, but both men and women are enjoying intimacy with God forever. (See Mark 12:18-27)
11. Muhammad the founder of Islam and Joseph Smith the founder of Mormonism both practiced polygamy and had multiple wives. Muhammad had at least 12 wives and Joseph Smith had over 30 wives. While the Bible records the failures of God's people in practicing fornication, adultery and polygamy, God's Word is very clear that His standard regarding marriage is one man and one woman. (See Matthew 19:1-12, Mark 10:1-12, 1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:6, Hebrews 13:4)
12. Both Muhammad and Joseph Smith willfully shed the blood of other men. Muhammad participated in battles he called "holy war," killing those he called infidels who would not convert to Islam, and Joseph Smith shot and killed 2 men before he was shot and killed himself. A martyr dies for their faith, a murderer kills for their faith.
13. Both Muhammad and Joseph Smith wielded power and force over people through fear. Muhammad demanded conversion to Islam or death, and Joseph Smith demanded conversion to Mormonism to be saved and the submission of women to polygamy as a requirement for salvation or they would be damned. The Bible teaches that salvation is a work of God in a person's heart that cannot be brought about by the force or manipulation of men. The Bible warns us not to manipulate or pressure by physical force people into believing the Christian faith, but it does encourage us to teach, plead with, persuade, warn, and command every man to repent of sin and put faith in Jesus Christ as Savior. (See Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15, 2 Corinthians 5:11, Colossians 1:28)
14. Both Islam and Mormonism have those who follow the "original" revelations of their faith and are known as fundamentalist. (Fundamentalists believe in the fundamental and foundational beliefs of their religion as opposed to traditional or modern distortions and changes of the religion.) Fundamentalist Muslims are often known as those who do harm to others through violence or commit acts of terrorism for the furtherance of Islam. Fundamentalist Mormons are known as those who do harm to women and children holding to the original teachings of Joseph Smith by demanding the practice of polygamy as a means to salvation. A fundamentalist Christian is someone who believes the fundamental truths about Christianity as revealed in the Bible without embracing the many distortions, changes or additions to doctrine that have happened throughout history. There is great diversity among fundamental Christians in how they practice their faith in the fundamentals.
These are a few of the similarities between Islam and Mormonism. And I felt compelled to add briefly what the Bible says regarding those few things so you can see that, although Islam and Mormonism are similar they are both very different from biblical Christianity. Feel free to check the writings of Islam, Mormonism, the Bible, as well as documented history to verify the things written above. While it is obvious that the Bible does not support Islam or Mormonism, it is not "anti-Muslim" or "anti-Mormon" to simply repeat recorded history.
Now, lets look quickly at Jesus:
He laid His own life down, shed His own blood and died for our sins willingly. He never murdered anyone, nor did He resist dying. He healed the sick, cast out demons, fed the poor, preached the kingdom of God, resisted religious hypocrisy, was a homeless circuit preacher and teacher, never married, was murdered at the age of 33, rose again at the age of 33, and He is now seated at the right hand of God, as God's one and only Son, and He Himself declares Himself to be God and able to save and forgive anyone who comes to Him in faith. He promises a heaven not full of sexual indulgence but sinless perfect righteousness and love. He said He would build His church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. He said He would reveal Himself to those who believe in Him and obey Him, and that He would come to live within His followers through His Spirit. He said He came not to destroy men's lives but to give them life more abundant and full of joy. And while you will find throughout history and the pages of the Bible imperfect Christians who have made mistakes, you will not find an imperfect Jesus who has ever made a mistake. This is why you must choose between trusting in religions created by men or trusting in the revelation of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as revealed in the Bible.
In the Bible the Book of Ephesians 1:3 says that God has blessed believers with EVERY single spiritual blessing in the heavenly places IN CHRIST JESUS!
If God gives ALL of His blessings to those who believe and trust in Jesus Christ alone, then really what does Islam or Mormonism have to offer us that God has not already given?
Colossians 2:9-10 says that Jesus Christ is God and if you are a genuine believer in Jesus and found in Him, then you are COMPLETE! Islam and Mormonism cannot add to "complete."
Trust Jesus! Leave man-made religions for those who want to remain incomplete and lost.
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5 Reasons Mormons and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are not Christians