Many people believe that Mormons are just another branch of Christianity, but a sincere look at their beliefs will reveal that they oppose every fundamental doctrine of the Christian faith.
The Doctrine of God
Mormonism teaches that the God (Heavenly Father) over this world was once a man on another planet who earned his right to become a God and now is in heaven with his celestial wife (Heavenly Mother) producing spirit babies to inhabit earthly human bodies who can also become gods. According to Mormonism, Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are three separate gods. –Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith by Joseph Fielding Smith pg.345 -Doctrine & Covenants, Sect. 130:22
Christianity teaches that there is only one God who exists eternally, is not married, and is a Spirit, not a man. He has always been God and never had to earn His Godhood, unlike the Mormon god, the God of the Bible is truly “eternal.” According to the Bible the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost make up the One Triune God. God is a three in One Being. There are no other gods in the universe. God has always been the only eternal God who does not change. –Numbers 23:19, Is. 43:10, 44:6, Psalm 90:2, John 4:24
The Doctrine of Jesus Christ
Mormonism teaches that Jesus and Lucifer (Satan) are spirit brothers and both sons of the Mormon God, Elohim. You and I are also spirit brothers and sisters of Jesus and Lucifer. Jesus is also another Mormon god. According to Mormonism, Jesus is not the One and only Eternal God the Son, but one of many sons of God. Jesus is the spirit child of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and he is the physical son of Heavenly Father and the mother Mary who was betrothed to Joseph. Heavenly Father had sexual relations with the virgin Mary to conceive a physical body for Jesus.-Mormon Doctrine, Bruce McConkie pg.163-164, Journal of Discourses pg. 50-51, -Gordon B. Hinckley, LDS President and Prophet, Deseret News, Church News section, Salt Lake City, Utah, week ending June 20, 1998, pg.7
Christianity teaches that Jesus is the one and only Eternal Son of God, God in Human flesh who came to die for our sins, rise from the dead and offer us eternal life through faith in Him. Jesus Christ is the human manifestation of the Eternal God. He was “God in the flesh.” He alone existed before He was born. He is not the “spirit brother of Lucifer/the devil,” and He is not just another “spirit child” of God the Father. He is the only “eternal” Son of God, and He is Creator of all the angels and rules over them. He is God’s One and only Redeemer of mankind, and He single-handedly finished the work necessary for our salvation. All we do is receive His finished work and trust Him. -Isaiah 9:6, Micah 5:2, Colossians 1:15-17, John 1:1-3, 14, 10:30, 14:6-9, 20:28, 2 Corinthians 5:19, Hebrews 1:1-3, Romans 9:5, 1 Timothy 3:16
The Doctrine of Man
Mormonism teaches that each person existed as a spirit child with Heavenly Father before they were born. Their physical life here on earth is a journey to get back to their Heavenly Father and potentially become a god like he is and populate other planets with their own spirit children. Mormonism attributes godlike qualities to man and manlike qualities to god making both God and man equals. According to Mormon teaching man through obedience to Mormonism can “evolve” into a God in the same way the “God” over this world was once a man on another planet. –Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses Volume 11 page 269
Christianity teaches that man is created in the womb and did not preexist before physical conception. We are born sinners because of our relation to Adam and Eve and we are in need of a Savior to forgive us of our sin. To be forgiven each of us must put personal faith in the true Jesus Christ to go to heaven where we will worship the one and only God forever and continue to be His children. We will not become gods. Jesus is the only One who preexisted before He was born because He is God. The teaching that man can become a god is blasphemous according to Biblical Christianity. Romans 3:9-23, 5:6-21, 6:23, 1 John 1:8-10, John 3:16, Ephesians 2:1-10
The Doctrine of Salvation
Mormonism teaches that salvation in its highest form is becoming a god through strict obedience to all the Mormon laws which they call the Gospel. Salvation is accomplished through each person doing their best and Jesus helping with the rest. Only the devil and terribly bad go to a literal hell. For the most part almost everyone will end up being saved either in this life or they’ll get another chance in the afterlife to believe Mormonism. The “Gospel” according to Mormonism is not a simple message about the life and work of Jesus Christ, but it is a group of laws that must be obeyed. According to Mormon teaching you cannot reject Joseph Smith and reach the highest heaven. -Doctrines of Salvation Volume 1, pg. 190 & Vol.3, pg.91
Christianity teaches we’re all born sinners and all sin willfully and therefore we’re in desperate need of a Savior. God in His goodness must punish our sins but He does not want to punish us for our sins. God Himself came to earth in Jesus Christ to take our punishment. Jesus died for our sins, rose from the dead and gives forgiveness and eternal life to anyone and everyone who repents and trusts in Him. Salvation is by His grace and not by human works. It is a free gift received by a humble heart and guarantees us a place in heaven with God, not as gods, but as His children. Those who reject this salvation will end up in a literal hell forever with no chance of escape in the afterlife. The “Gospel” according to Biblical Christianity is the message about Jesus Christ, His death on the cross for sins, and His resurrection. It is not a law to be obeyed, but a message to be believed. After someone believes in the Gospel then good works flow from a life that is saved by faith in Jesus Christ. –John 14:6, Acts 4:10-12, Ephesians 2:8-10, Titus 3:3-7
The Doctrine of the Afterlife
Mormonism teaches that in the afterlife there are 3 distinct heavens: the terrestrial, telestial and celestial; a spirit prison and outer darkness. The highest heaven is where you can be a god with your goddess wife/wives and make spirit babies to inhabit other planets. The other two heavens are sub-heavens where saints and angels are, but Heavenly Father does not live there. The spirit prison is where unbelievers who die get another chance to receive the Mormon Gospel and go to one of the heavens. Outer darkness, or Mormon hell exists for a small few like the devil, the demons and those who reject direct revelation from God. It is possible that those who are excommunicated from or leave the Mormon Church might end up in hell.
Christianity teaches there is only one heaven and one hell. Everyone who is born again through faith in Jesus Christ goes to heaven because their sins are forgiven and they are saved. Everyone who rejects Jesus Christ, rejects their own salvation and ends up in hell with the devil and his demons. Heaven and hell are both eternal in duration. People decide in this life where they will spend eternity by accepting or rejecting the Gospel message. There is no second chance to be saved in the afterlife. This is why Biblical Christianity commands all believers to share the Gospel message with those who are not saved because once a person dies their eternity is sealed. –John 3:3, 18, 36, 2 Thessalonians 1:8-10, Hebrews 9:27-28, Revelation 20:11-15, 21:6-8
Mormonism teaches that Jesus Christ failed in keeping the true church together and that God used Joseph Smith to restore the “true church.” -Doctrine and Covenants 20:1
Joseph Smith said, “I have more to boast of than ever any man had. I am the only man that has ever been able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam…Neither Paul, John, Peter, nor Jesus ever did it. I boast that no man ever did such work as I. The followers of Jesus ran away from Him; but the Latter-day Saints never ran away from me yet.”-History of the Church, volume 6 pg.408, 409
So the sinner Joseph Smith claims that he was able to fix what the sinless Son of God Jesus Christ failed at? I find that hard to believe. But Mormonism teaches that Joseph Smith and Jesus Christ are the same kind of person and child of God. They reduce Christ to a mere man.
Christianity tells us in the Bible that Jesus said, “I will build My church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” -Matthew 16:18 and 1 Corinthians 3:11 says that no other foundation can be laid for the church except Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “All power in heaven and earth has been given to Me. Go into all nations, preach the Gospel to every creature, and make disciples...and I am with you even to the end of the age.” -Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15
We are only to boast in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 1:31, Proverbs 27:1-2
So either Jesus failed and Joseph is God’s new man, or Jesus spoke the truth and has all power and Joseph Smith is a deceiver and leading multitudes into a false religion. Honestly, the only things that are similar between Mormonism and Christianity are the words used: Heavenly Father, Jesus, Gospel, Salvation, Grace, Atonement, etc. However, the definitions for those words are totally different.
Joseph Smith said, “I have more to boast of than ever any man had. I am the only man that has ever been able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam…Neither Paul, John, Peter, nor Jesus ever did it. I boast that no man ever did such work as I. The followers of Jesus ran away from Him; but the Latter-day Saints never ran away from me yet.”-History of the Church, volume 6 pg.408, 409
So the sinner Joseph Smith claims that he was able to fix what the sinless Son of God Jesus Christ failed at? I find that hard to believe. But Mormonism teaches that Joseph Smith and Jesus Christ are the same kind of person and child of God. They reduce Christ to a mere man.
Christianity tells us in the Bible that Jesus said, “I will build My church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” -Matthew 16:18 and 1 Corinthians 3:11 says that no other foundation can be laid for the church except Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “All power in heaven and earth has been given to Me. Go into all nations, preach the Gospel to every creature, and make disciples...and I am with you even to the end of the age.” -Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15
We are only to boast in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 1:31, Proverbs 27:1-2
So either Jesus failed and Joseph is God’s new man, or Jesus spoke the truth and has all power and Joseph Smith is a deceiver and leading multitudes into a false religion. Honestly, the only things that are similar between Mormonism and Christianity are the words used: Heavenly Father, Jesus, Gospel, Salvation, Grace, Atonement, etc. However, the definitions for those words are totally different.
Mormonism was founded by one man, Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith claims that God, through an unproved vision in 1820, called him to restore the “true church” and that all other Christian believers had gone apostate from the truth. Basically, Joseph Smith claimed that Jesus Christ failed in keeping His Christian church together and that God needed Joseph to accomplish the “restoration of the true church.”
Christianity was founded by God, through the prophets of the Old Testament, the authors of the New Testament, and the Person and power of Jesus Christ. The truths of God are not lost because God, not man, is in charge of it. Jesus, the Son of God, is the central focus, and He claimed that He would faithfully keep all of His true followers. The “Christian Church” is not an organization like the LDS Church that requires membership but an invisible entity comprised of all born again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ all over the world.
Mormonism teaches that it is the only “true church” and that all other churches are the churches of the devil. -1 Nephi 14:10
Mormonism teaches that it is the only “true church” and that all other churches are the churches of the devil. -1 Nephi 14:10
Christianity teaches that God in His wisdom has divinely allowed there to be a variety among visible local and international churches, but that the “true church” consists of all genuine believers regardless of what particular visible church they attend. You do not become a “member” of the true church, you are born again into it through faith in Christ.
Mormonism’s founding Prophet Joseph Smith taught polygamy, or plural marriage, was necessary for salvation and that God had ordained polygamy. The modern Mormon Church has changed its doctrines on polygamy after they began having problems with the law and government. But original Mormonism as taught by Joseph Smith embraced polygamy. Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism would no doubt be excommunicated from the LDS Mormon Church today for teaching and practicing polygamy. He is historically documented as to having 34 wives at one time. 11 of those wives were taken from married men. These facts can be easily validated by history and a little research. This is an unfortunate truth that modern day Mormonism is desperately trying to erase from it’s past. Brigham Young, the 2nd LDS Prophet followed Joseph’s teachings faithfully and had 56 wives for himself. Both Joseph and Brigham would not be allowed to hold leadership roles in the modern day mainline Mormon Church.
The Fundamentalist Mormon groups follow Joseph Smith’s teachings on polygamy. They are not ashamed of the polygamous past of Mormonism and Joseph Smith. Fundamentalist Mormons believe that Mainline Mormonism has gone apostate because they reject the teachings of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young in regard to plural marriage. They are called “Fundamentalist Mormons” because they believe the “fundamentals” of Mormonism. And polygamy was a fundamental doctrine of the early Mormon Church from the 1840’s through the 1890’s. However, according to Mainline Mormonism, God can change His mind and change His doctrines as time and cultures change. This constant changing of Doctrines they call “progressive revelation.” But since the god of Mormonism is an exalted man it makes sense that he would change his mind like a man.
The Fundamentalist Mormon groups follow Joseph Smith’s teachings on polygamy. They are not ashamed of the polygamous past of Mormonism and Joseph Smith. Fundamentalist Mormons believe that Mainline Mormonism has gone apostate because they reject the teachings of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young in regard to plural marriage. They are called “Fundamentalist Mormons” because they believe the “fundamentals” of Mormonism. And polygamy was a fundamental doctrine of the early Mormon Church from the 1840’s through the 1890’s. However, according to Mainline Mormonism, God can change His mind and change His doctrines as time and cultures change. This constant changing of Doctrines they call “progressive revelation.” But since the god of Mormonism is an exalted man it makes sense that he would change his mind like a man.
Mormonism changes its Doctrines with every passing prophet as though God cannot make up His mind. Either God is wrong or the “so called prophets” themselves are mistaken and not hearing from God at all. Any prophet who speaks for God what God has not spoken is a false prophet. Any religion built upon a false prophet is a false religion. And a false religion will lead people astray from truth, God and ultimately eternal life.
Christianity teaches that God does not change, His truth spans time and culture. The Bible teaches that any prophet who speaks against what God has already spoken is a false prophet. God’s Word says that we are to have only one wife and the practice of polygamy is a sin against Him. Mormonism taught through Joseph Smith that God commanded polygamy as a way of salvation. Mormonism teaches that you must be part of their visible church organization to be saved. This just goes to show that they don’t understand that salvation is a relationship with God, not a religion or church membership. As we said earlier, Christianity teaches that the true church is invisible and consists of every genuine believer in the true Jesus Christ regardless of what visible denomination or church you go to.
The Book of Mormon cannot be validated as a historical document by geology, archeology, anthropology, science or history. Mormons believe by faith in a “feeling” that their book is true even without evidence. They feel that it is true, therefore to them it is true. Truth is no longer based on testable facts but testimonial feelings. They encourage you to pray and ask God if its true even though there is no real historical evidence. God commands us to love Him with all of our “minds” and this would encourage anyone to research all the facts and make a wise decision, especially if a book is claiming to be from God.
The Bible’s claims have been proven by eyewitnesses, history, archeology, prophecy and the personal experiences of those who believe its message. The “feelings” follow the “facts” rather than in Mormonism where they tell you that a “feeling” establishes fact. No, we put faith in facts, and the feeling follow last.
Mormons are often discouraged from reading material that might be “anti-Mormon.” If Mormons are in the truth then there should be no threat or fear of researching the claims made by those who do not believe in Mormonism. Ask your Mormon friend if the statements or quotes in this brochure are accurate Mormon doctrine or not.
In the Bible God commands us to love Him with ALL of our heart, soul, MIND and strength. He says in Isaiah, “Come, let us REASON together...” Isaiah 1:8
God is not threatened by good questions, strong critics or scientific claims. He created man in His image and gave him a thinking mind. He is the God over history and science. He does not want us blindly believing a lie but rather with eyes wide open He wants us to study, research and reason the claims of the Bible with a teachable heart. Truth and facts are more important than feelings.
In the Bible God commands us to love Him with ALL of our heart, soul, MIND and strength. He says in Isaiah, “Come, let us REASON together...” Isaiah 1:8
God is not threatened by good questions, strong critics or scientific claims. He created man in His image and gave him a thinking mind. He is the God over history and science. He does not want us blindly believing a lie but rather with eyes wide open He wants us to study, research and reason the claims of the Bible with a teachable heart. Truth and facts are more important than feelings.
Biblical Christianity brings you into a loving relationship with God through the finished work of His Son Jesus Christ.
Mormonism brings you into a religion of works, striving to become a god, and never offering a guarantee about where you’ll end up after you die.
Biblical Christianity has not changed for 2000 years, and Jesus has faithfully transformed the lives of millions of different people in different nations and cultures and ages throughout history. It’s Jesus, not a “religion” that transforms lives.
The methods by which believers practice worship or gather together is different and unique in every age and culture, but the message of the true Gospel has never changed. The Gospel is not a list of rules but a message of love and hope. The Gospel of Jesus Christ brings us to a Person, not principles. It’s a relationship not a religion.
The Christian Gospel
Do you have a personal relationship with the right Jesus Christ? Do you have the assurance of eternal life and the confidence that all your sins have been forgiven? Have you experienced the radical life changing power of God’s Holy Spirit through being born again? You can know all of these things and more if you will come to Jesus Christ in faith. Jesus died on the cross for our sins against God. He alone paid the price for our sins and rose from the dead. He alone is God the Son and therefore He alone is the One we go to for salvation and eternal life. You can know God and have assurance of your salvation without being a member of the LDS Church.
If the Mormon Church died on the cross for you sins, then trust in the LDS Church for salvation. If Joseph Smith died for your sin then he can tell you how to be saved.
Joseph Smith and Jesus Christ have two major differences. Joseph Smith was only a man and he was a sinner like us. Jesus Christ is God’s Eternal Son, and He never sinned so that He could be a perfect sacrifice for our sins.
Do you have a personal relationship with the right Jesus Christ? Do you have the assurance of eternal life and the confidence that all your sins have been forgiven? Have you experienced the radical life changing power of God’s Holy Spirit through being born again? You can know all of these things and more if you will come to Jesus Christ in faith. Jesus died on the cross for our sins against God. He alone paid the price for our sins and rose from the dead. He alone is God the Son and therefore He alone is the One we go to for salvation and eternal life. You can know God and have assurance of your salvation without being a member of the LDS Church.
If the Mormon Church died on the cross for you sins, then trust in the LDS Church for salvation. If Joseph Smith died for your sin then he can tell you how to be saved.
Joseph Smith and Jesus Christ have two major differences. Joseph Smith was only a man and he was a sinner like us. Jesus Christ is God’s Eternal Son, and He never sinned so that He could be a perfect sacrifice for our sins.
Joseph Smith and the Mormon Church have done nothing in providing salvation for you. All they have done is turn the eternal God into a mere man with wives and babies in heaven; Jesus into the devil’s brother; Heaven into upper, middle, lower class, and a spirit prison; Hell into a dark place for a select few; the Gospel Message into a Gospel Law of legalism and works; Salvation into becoming a god; and the death of Christ on the cross as a cheap death that really didn’t do much but open up the way for us to be self-righteous and earn our way to heaven... No! Those who trust in Mormonism are headed for a real hell not heaven! I know that sounds hard and very judgmental, but the Bible warns us often of false teachers, false prophets, false christs and a false gospel message that leads people to destruction forever. You cannot go to heaven by believing in a false god, a false Jesus or a false Gospel. Listen, you might not think this is important, but your soul’s eternity is at stake. Jesus and the Bible alone offer you the truth of God and an opportunity to repent and know Christ personally. If you do not stand for the Truth, you will fall for anything. Knowing truth is a choice we all must make.
What will you choose: Jesus Christ or Joseph Smith, Book of Mormon or the Bible, the LDS Church or the Christian Church, Salvation as a free gift of grace or salvation and godhood by works?
It was Jesus Christ, not Joseph Smith, that said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, and no one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6
Dear friend, Trust in the right Jesus and come to the Father!
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