Should we join a religion or have a relationship with God?
Is Mormonism a "Christian" religion?
How would you answer these questions? Like many modern religions, Mormonism uses the Bible to support it's teachings and religion, but it's teachings as a whole do not support the Bible. While Mormons today would claim to be "Bible believing Christians" who also have "new light and revelation" through the religion of Mormonism, if we study the Bible and what Bible believing Christians (and Jews) have historically taught for 2000 years, any honest student of the Bible must conclude that Mormonism is a completely different religion than historical Christianity or even Judaism. Let's consider some quotes and teachings from the Mormon church and ask yourself if their teachings sound "Christian."
"I'm going to tell you how God came to be God. We have imagined and supposed that God was God from all eternity, I will refute that idea and take away the veil so you may see...he was a man like us; yea, that God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth, the same as Jesus Christ himself did."
-Joseph Smith, "Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith" by Joseph Fielding Smith pg. 345
“The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s; the Son also…”
“The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s; the Son also…”
–Joseph Smith, Doctrine & Covenants, Section 130:22
“No I don’t believe in the traditional Christ. The traditional Christ of whom they speak is not the Christ of whom I speak. For the Christ of whom I speak has been revealed in this the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times.”
“No I don’t believe in the traditional Christ. The traditional Christ of whom they speak is not the Christ of whom I speak. For the Christ of whom I speak has been revealed in this the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times.”
-Gordon B. Hinckley, LDS President and Prophet, Deseret News, Church News section, Salt Lake City, Utah, week ending June 20, 1998, pg.7
“The only men who become Gods, even the sons of God, are those who enter into polygamy.”
“The only men who become Gods, even the sons of God, are those who enter into polygamy.”
–Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses Volume 11 page 269
“You are My witnesses”, says the LORD, “And My servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe Me, and understand that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, nor shall there be after Me.” -Isaiah 43:10
“Before the mountains were ever brought forth, or ever You had formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God.” Psalm 90:2
“I am the first and I am the last, and there is no God besides Me.” Isaiah 44:6 (NASB)
Jesus said, “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
“You are My witnesses”, says the LORD, “And My servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe Me, and understand that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, nor shall there be after Me.” -Isaiah 43:10
“Before the mountains were ever brought forth, or ever You had formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God.” Psalm 90:2
“I am the first and I am the last, and there is no God besides Me.” Isaiah 44:6 (NASB)
Jesus said, “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
–John 4:24
The Bible clearly teaches there is only One Eternal God and that He is not an exalted man. The Creator of the universe was never a man striving to become a god as Mormonism teaches. According to the plain teachings of the Bible there has been and only will be one God, and no matter how hard Mormon men try, they will never become gods themselves. God has always existed from eternity. He alone is omniscient(all knowing), omnipotent(all powerful), omnipresent (everywhere all the time). The God of the Bible, and the "gods" of Mormonism are not the same.
The Bible clearly teaches there is only One Eternal God and that He is not an exalted man. The Creator of the universe was never a man striving to become a god as Mormonism teaches. According to the plain teachings of the Bible there has been and only will be one God, and no matter how hard Mormon men try, they will never become gods themselves. God has always existed from eternity. He alone is omniscient(all knowing), omnipotent(all powerful), omnipresent (everywhere all the time). The God of the Bible, and the "gods" of Mormonism are not the same.
Joseph Smith prophesied that there were inhabitants on the moon that were about 6 feet tall, dressed like Quakers and living to be about 1000 years old.
Joseph Smith prophesied that there were inhabitants on the moon that were about 6 feet tall, dressed like Quakers and living to be about 1000 years old.
-Joseph Smith -Young Women’s Journal Vol.3 pg263-264 & Patriarchal Blessings Books 9:294-295
Brigham Young stated that the Sun was inhabited.
Brigham Young stated that the Sun was inhabited.
-Journal of Discourses, Vol.13, pg 217
Joseph Smith prophesied that the City of the New Jerusalem was to be established in the western boundaries of the state of Missouri, dedicated by the hand of Joseph Smith and a Temple was to be built in the generation of Joseph Smith.
Joseph Smith prophesied that the City of the New Jerusalem was to be established in the western boundaries of the state of Missouri, dedicated by the hand of Joseph Smith and a Temple was to be built in the generation of Joseph Smith.
-Doctrines and Covenants 84:3,4
This location is in Independence Missouri and there is no temple there or a New Jerusalem.
Joseph Smith prophesied that David W. Patton was to perform a mission to the Lord by the following spring with others, even 12 men along with himself to spread the good news.
Joseph Smith prophesied that David W. Patton was to perform a mission to the Lord by the following spring with others, even 12 men along with himself to spread the good news.
-Doctrines & Covenants 114:1
History tells us that this David died at the Battle of Crooked River in the Fall of that year and therefore never made it to Spring. He died in battle in good standing with the Mormon Church but this prophecy was not fulfilled.
Doctrine & Covenants 1:37-38 says that all the prophecies in this book will be fulfilled, no excuses. These, and other prophecies of Mormonism have not been fulfilled.
Joseph Smith prophesied the coming of the Lord:
“President Smith then stated that the meeting had been called because God had commanded it; and it was made known to him by a vision and by the Holy Spirit…it was the will of God that they should be ordained to the ministry and go forth to prune the vineyard for the last time, for the coming of the Lord, which was near- even fifty six years should wind up the scene.”
History tells us that this David died at the Battle of Crooked River in the Fall of that year and therefore never made it to Spring. He died in battle in good standing with the Mormon Church but this prophecy was not fulfilled.
Doctrine & Covenants 1:37-38 says that all the prophecies in this book will be fulfilled, no excuses. These, and other prophecies of Mormonism have not been fulfilled.
Joseph Smith prophesied the coming of the Lord:
“President Smith then stated that the meeting had been called because God had commanded it; and it was made known to him by a vision and by the Holy Spirit…it was the will of God that they should be ordained to the ministry and go forth to prune the vineyard for the last time, for the coming of the Lord, which was near- even fifty six years should wind up the scene.”
-Oliver Cowdery, History of the Church Vol.2 pg 182
The 56th year passed in 1891! The Lord did not return then and still has not returned.
The 56th year passed in 1891! The Lord did not return then and still has not returned.
It only takes one false prophecy for a man to be a false prophet.
God takes false prophecy very serious because an unfulfilled prophecy blasphemes the God of the Bible and presents God as a liar and misleading. When someone presumes to speak for God and it does not come to pass it is a great insult to God and the people. The God of the Bible has strong warnings in His Word against false prophets, false prophecies and false teaching. We should be very careful when we hear that someone is claiming to speak on behalf of God because Jesus predicted that there would be many false prophets and counterfeit christs. He said that if the blind lead the blind they will both fall into the pit. Prophecy is not something we should take lightly, and false prophecy is not something we should leave unnoticed. Both the false prophet and their false prophecies should be exposed so that people are not deceived and led astray by them.
God takes false prophecy very serious because an unfulfilled prophecy blasphemes the God of the Bible and presents God as a liar and misleading. When someone presumes to speak for God and it does not come to pass it is a great insult to God and the people. The God of the Bible has strong warnings in His Word against false prophets, false prophecies and false teaching. We should be very careful when we hear that someone is claiming to speak on behalf of God because Jesus predicted that there would be many false prophets and counterfeit christs. He said that if the blind lead the blind they will both fall into the pit. Prophecy is not something we should take lightly, and false prophecy is not something we should leave unnoticed. Both the false prophet and their false prophecies should be exposed so that people are not deceived and led astray by them.
Biblical Christianity teaches us not only to pay attention to the teachings and so-called "prophecies" that might come from a minister or leader, but we are also to evaluate the character and behavior of that individual. A person may be a very gifted teacher or speaker, but if their character and behavior is unchristian we are not to follow their example. A genuine minister of Jesus Christ with not only teach the truth but live the truth.
Joseph Smith claimed to have a vision of God the Father and Jesus Christ when he was 14 years old. He says they ordained him to be God’s prophet on earth and to restore the “true church.” Joseph Smith claims that he was told not to join any of the surrounding churches because they were all wrong. You would think that such an encounter with God would radically change someone’s life, however following this “revelation”, in 1826, 4 years before the publication of the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith was arrested and charged for using his peep-stone method to deceive an elderly man named Josiah Stole while attempting to locate buried treasure on his farm. This misdemeanor account is recorded in history and you can look it up for yourself. Why would someone who’s had a personal encounter with God need to resort to “stone-looking” and magic to find buried treasure?
Later Joseph Smith was married to a young woman named Emma. Within a few short years men who were closet to Joseph like: David Whitmer, Oliver Cowdery, William Law and William McLellin were repulsed by Joseph Smith’s multiple adulteries and they publically declared Joseph an adulterer. These men were Mormon also.
Today you have Fundamentalist Mormon Groups and leaders like Warren Jeffs that also follow the teachings of Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and the LDS Church founders even though polygamy today is nationally illegal and not tolerated in mainstream Mormonism.
Mormonism and Biblical Christianity are totally different:
Mormonism teaches there are many gods. This is called "polytheism."
Christianity teaches there is only One Eternal God. This is called "monotheism."
Mormonism teaches that Jesus Christ is one of many sons of God. Mormonism teaches that Jesus, Lucifer(the devil) and you and I are all "spirit-children" of the same heavenly Father.
Christianity teaches that Jesus Christ is unique as the Son of God, God the Son. The Bible teaches that Jesus is the Creator of all things and He is not Lucifer’s spirit-brother. The Bible teaches that we can become "children of God" through being born-again, but that Jesus has always, from eternity, been the one and only un-created Son of God.
Mormonism teaches that men and women exist before they were born in the "spirit world" with Heavenly father and mother, and that they are sent to earth to indwell physical human bodies and they can become gods themselves if they faithfully obey Mormon doctrine.
Joseph Smith and Jesus Christ have major differences:
Dates and Vision:
Joseph Smith claimed to have a vision of God the Father and Jesus Christ when he was 14 years old. He says they ordained him to be God’s prophet on earth and to restore the “true church.” Joseph Smith claims that he was told not to join any of the surrounding churches because they were all wrong. You would think that such an encounter with God would radically change someone’s life, however following this “revelation”, in 1826, 4 years before the publication of the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith was arrested and charged for using his peep-stone method to deceive an elderly man named Josiah Stole while attempting to locate buried treasure on his farm. This misdemeanor account is recorded in history and you can look it up for yourself. Why would someone who’s had a personal encounter with God need to resort to “stone-looking” and magic to find buried treasure?
Later Joseph Smith was married to a young woman named Emma. Within a few short years men who were closet to Joseph like: David Whitmer, Oliver Cowdery, William Law and William McLellin were repulsed by Joseph Smith’s multiple adulteries and they publically declared Joseph an adulterer. These men were Mormon also.
You can read all of these historical accounts. See below references.
-An address to all believers in Christ, by David Whitmer, 1887
-1838 a letter by Oliver Cowdery
-History of the Church, volume 3, pg. 232
Unfortunately Joseph Smith would continue to commit adultery until he claimed that God had given him revelation that plural marriage (polygamy) was God’s Divine will for Mormon men and essential for celestial glory and godhood.
-An address to all believers in Christ, by David Whitmer, 1887
-1838 a letter by Oliver Cowdery
-History of the Church, volume 3, pg. 232
Unfortunately Joseph Smith would continue to commit adultery until he claimed that God had given him revelation that plural marriage (polygamy) was God’s Divine will for Mormon men and essential for celestial glory and godhood.
-See Doctrines & Covenants Section 132.
Even though plural marriage and adultery are forbidden in the Bible, Joseph Smith continued to marry multiple wives.
Mormon Historian Andrew Jensen in the historical record writes that Joseph Smith eventually convinced his first wife Emma that plural marriage was of the Lord, however Joseph Smith failed to inform Emma that 2 months earlier he had married two of the Partridge sisters.
Andrew Jensen listed 27 women who were “sealed”(formally married) to Joseph Smith. According to Mormon doctrine this means that these wives will be with him in the celestial heaven forever. Mormonism teaches that polygamous men will become polygamous gods in the afterlife.
In an 1838 letter, Oliver Cowdery calls Joseph Smith’s adultery with Fanny Alger a “dirty, nasty, filthy affair.” Oliver Cowdery was a Mormon who verbally opposed Joseph Smith's unchristian behavior.
In 1842 Joseph Smith married in an 8 month period 11 women, then took a 5 month break.
Mormon Historian Andrew Jensen in the historical record writes that Joseph Smith eventually convinced his first wife Emma that plural marriage was of the Lord, however Joseph Smith failed to inform Emma that 2 months earlier he had married two of the Partridge sisters.
Andrew Jensen listed 27 women who were “sealed”(formally married) to Joseph Smith. According to Mormon doctrine this means that these wives will be with him in the celestial heaven forever. Mormonism teaches that polygamous men will become polygamous gods in the afterlife.
In an 1838 letter, Oliver Cowdery calls Joseph Smith’s adultery with Fanny Alger a “dirty, nasty, filthy affair.” Oliver Cowdery was a Mormon who verbally opposed Joseph Smith's unchristian behavior.
In 1842 Joseph Smith married in an 8 month period 11 women, then took a 5 month break.
In 1843 he married 14 women, 5 of which he married in the month of May alone.
Joseph Smith was marrying so quickly that it reveals he had a veracious appetite for a new sexual partner.
In 1843 Joseph Smith had a “revelation” and penned Doctrines & Covenants section 132 outlining the necessity of entering into a new and everlasting covenant of plural marriage.
History shows us that Joseph Smith married under-age girls and went to other women and said that their eternal salvation was dependent upon them entering into plural marriage.
Joseph Smith even went to other men’s wives and said that God had revealed to him that they were supposed to be his spiritual wives.
Collectively Joseph Smith married under-age girls, sisters, mothers and daughters, and even took wives from living husbands. When he died he had 34 wives including his first wife Emma. Following his death the Mormon Church was divided into two groups. One group followed Brigham Young and believed in plural marriage, and the other group stayed with Emma, Joseph Smith’s first wife and widow, and they did not practice polygamy.
Brigham Young, the second LDS Prophet faithfully followed the teachings of Joseph Smith.
In 1843 Joseph Smith had a “revelation” and penned Doctrines & Covenants section 132 outlining the necessity of entering into a new and everlasting covenant of plural marriage.
History shows us that Joseph Smith married under-age girls and went to other women and said that their eternal salvation was dependent upon them entering into plural marriage.
Joseph Smith even went to other men’s wives and said that God had revealed to him that they were supposed to be his spiritual wives.
Collectively Joseph Smith married under-age girls, sisters, mothers and daughters, and even took wives from living husbands. When he died he had 34 wives including his first wife Emma. Following his death the Mormon Church was divided into two groups. One group followed Brigham Young and believed in plural marriage, and the other group stayed with Emma, Joseph Smith’s first wife and widow, and they did not practice polygamy.
Brigham Young, the second LDS Prophet faithfully followed the teachings of Joseph Smith.
It is said he had at least 56 known wives to himself. He also taught that plural marriage was essential for salvation and for becoming a god.
Today you have Fundamentalist Mormon Groups and leaders like Warren Jeffs that also follow the teachings of Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and the LDS Church founders even though polygamy today is nationally illegal and not tolerated in mainstream Mormonism.
It would seem that Mormonism's founding "prophets" practiced adultery and justified it by declaring it as divinely sanctioned polygamy and ordained by God as necessary for the salvation of women and exaltation of men.
The Bible teaches that God's ideal and ordained plan for marriage is one man and one woman for life. He completely opposes adultery and fornication, and while the Bible records the polygamous behavior and consequences of various individuals, God nowhere commands or ordains polygamy.
Polygamy was always a compromise and failure to live up to God's standard.
Mormonism and Biblical Christianity are totally different:
Mormonism teaches there are many gods. This is called "polytheism."
Christianity teaches there is only One Eternal God. This is called "monotheism."
Mormonism teaches that Jesus Christ is one of many sons of God. Mormonism teaches that Jesus, Lucifer(the devil) and you and I are all "spirit-children" of the same heavenly Father.
Christianity teaches that Jesus Christ is unique as the Son of God, God the Son. The Bible teaches that Jesus is the Creator of all things and He is not Lucifer’s spirit-brother. The Bible teaches that we can become "children of God" through being born-again, but that Jesus has always, from eternity, been the one and only un-created Son of God.
Mormonism teaches that men and women exist before they were born in the "spirit world" with Heavenly father and mother, and that they are sent to earth to indwell physical human bodies and they can become gods themselves if they faithfully obey Mormon doctrine.
Christianity teaches that men and women start out in this physical world and become spiritual children of God through faith in Jesus Christ and that humans can never become gods.
Mormonism teaches salvation by faith and works and keeping the laws of Mormon doctrine. Through Mormon teaching you earn your way to one of 3 heavens and one can become a god over their own world.
Christianity teaches that salvation is through faith in the True Jesus Christ, His finished work on the cross and His resurrection and not by your own works.
Christianity teaches that salvation is through faith in the True Jesus Christ, His finished work on the cross and His resurrection and not by your own works.
Mormons trust in their own "doing" while Christians trust in what Christ has "DONE."
Through faith in Jesus Christ one is spiritually born again, saved and forgiven. The experience of salvation changes the thoughts and desires of a person so much that they begin to live a new life from the inside out. Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of each believer and He brings them into a deep and intimate personal relationship with God. It is for this relationship, not religion, that Jesus Christ died for. It is this relationship that transforms us into Christians who really love God and people.
Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? Do you have the assurance of eternal life and the confidence that all your sins have been forgiven? Have you experience the radical life changing power of God’s Holy Spirit through being born again?
You can know all of these things and more if you will come to Jesus Christ in faith.
Jesus died on the cross for our sins against God. He alone paid the price for our sins and rose from the dead. He alone is God the Son, and therefore He alone is the One we go to for salvation and eternal life. We all must choose where we place our trust; a religion or a Redeemer?
If the Mormon Church died on the cross for you sins, then trust in that Church for salvation.
If Joseph Smith died for your sin then he can tell you how to be saved.
But if Jesus Christ claimed to be the only way to God the Father, then Mormonism and Joseph Smith could be standing in your way.
Joseph Smith and Jesus Christ have major differences:
Joseph Smith was only a man. Jesus Christ is God's Divine Son.
Joseph Smith was a sinner like us. Jesus Christ, though completely human never sinned.
Joseph Smith claimed to teach "a way" to heaven. Jesus Christ claimed to be "the way" to heaven.
Think about it. Neither the Mormon Church or Joseph Smith have done anything in providing salvation for you. But what have they done?
They've turned the Eternal invisible God into a mere man with many wives and babies in heaven.
They turned Jesus into the devil’s brother.
They've turned "heaven" into upper, middle, lower class, and spirit prison.
They've turned hell into a dark place for a select few.
They turned the Gospel Message into a Goofy Law of legalism and works.
They've turned salvation into becoming a Mormon god.
They've turned the death of Christ on the cross into a cheap death that really didn’t do much but open up a way for us to be self-righteous and earn our way to heaven.
From the Bible's perspective, if you follow the Mormon plan you will earn your way right into hell. Because Mormonism has you follow a false prophet, false teaching and a false plan of salvation. False directions do not lead to a correct destination.
You cannot go to heaven by believing in a false god, a false Jesus or a false Gospel.
Listen, you might not think this is important, but your soul’s eternity is at stake.
If you do not stand for the Truth, you will fall for anything.
Jesus Christ said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, and no one comes to the Father except through Me.” -John 14:6
Joseph Smith ultimately said to reject the Biblical Jesus and follow after the Jesus and teachings of Mormonism. You must decide. We pray you trust in the right Jesus!
We love Mormons and want them to know Jesus Christ personally, intimately and without all the trappings of false religion.
For more information you can go to www.mormoninfo.org as well as many other sites that thoughtfully communicate the differences between Mormonism and Christianity
The Bible teaches us to be "biblically skeptical" about teachings, prophecies, miracles, visions and dreams. The Bible gives us a framework by which to evaluate anyone's claim to have received any kind of special revelation from God. Simply put, God does continue to speak and guide and reveal Himself and His will through visions and dreams and prophecies and teachings, He has made it clear that He will not oppose or contradict what He has already said in His Word. For example, if someone claimed that God told them to commit adultery, or set up and idol and worship it, we could evaluate their claim in light of God's Word and disregard it because God has already spoken and said, "You shall not commit adultery" and "You shall not make and idol and worship it." Even if the person claimed that they had a vision or dream or supernatural encounter with God telling them those things, we can reject it because of what the Bible teaches.
Mormonism is founded upon a young boy, Joseph Smith, claiming to have had a supernatural encounter with God, that resulted in a total rejection of what the Bible teaches about God, Jesus, man, salvation and heaven and hell. A person has to decide to believe Joseph Smith or the Bible because they cannot believe them both.
According to Mormon doctrine, Joseph Smith had a "vision" that ultimately would be the beginning of the Mormon Church. While all Mormons believe that Joseph Smith had a real vision and encounter with God, there are still conflicting Mormon accounts about this first vision.
Below you will see the date and the claims surrounding Joseph Smith’s “FIRST VISION."
Notice that as the years go by the actual facts about the vision change.
Which account are we to believe is true?
Which account are we to believe is true?
Remember these are changing stories about same event or "first vision."

1827- A spirit appears to Joseph telling him of a record on golden plates at age 17.
1827- An angel appears to Joseph telling him he has been chosen to be a prophet and bring forth a record on gold plates at age 18
1830- An angel tells Joseph where to find a secret treasure. Joseph returns once a year for several years before obtaining the plates.
1832- Jesus Christ appears to Joseph at age 15.
1834- Angel appears to Joseph in his bedroom at age 17
1835- Two personages appear to Joseph in grove at age 14
1835- Many angels appear to Joseph in grove at age 14
1838- God the Father and Jesus appear to Joseph in grove at age 14
1844-Two unidentified personages appear to Joseph at age 14
The “First Vision” is considered the foundation and cornerstone of the Mormon religion. This was the turning point where Joseph Smith became a prophet of God and began his life’s work of turning Christians away from the “false churches” that had been created after the decline of the apostolic church.
The discrepancy of these visions and the lack of unity between the LDS church today and Brigham Young leaves us questioning the authenticity of Joseph’s first vision.
Consider this powerful quote from a Mormon leader, the 15th President of the Mormon Church:
1827- An angel appears to Joseph telling him he has been chosen to be a prophet and bring forth a record on gold plates at age 18
1830- An angel tells Joseph where to find a secret treasure. Joseph returns once a year for several years before obtaining the plates.
1832- Jesus Christ appears to Joseph at age 15.
1834- Angel appears to Joseph in his bedroom at age 17
1835- Two personages appear to Joseph in grove at age 14
1835- Many angels appear to Joseph in grove at age 14
1838- God the Father and Jesus appear to Joseph in grove at age 14
1844-Two unidentified personages appear to Joseph at age 14
The “First Vision” is considered the foundation and cornerstone of the Mormon religion. This was the turning point where Joseph Smith became a prophet of God and began his life’s work of turning Christians away from the “false churches” that had been created after the decline of the apostolic church.
The discrepancy of these visions and the lack of unity between the LDS church today and Brigham Young leaves us questioning the authenticity of Joseph’s first vision.
Consider this powerful quote from a Mormon leader, the 15th President of the Mormon Church:
“Our whole strength rests on the validity of that vision. It either occurred or it did not occur. If it did not then this work is a fraud. If it did, then this is the most important and wonderful work under the heavens.” –Gordon B. Hinckley
Joseph Smith says he was a 14 year old boy when he had the vision. He was known by the people in his community and his own family as a story teller.
The LDS church today has decided to use a "standardized version" of Joseph Smith’s first vision.
You would think that if God where to come and talk to you that you would probably get most of the story straight, or at least be able to communicate it clearly the first time without changing it.
Joseph Smith says he was a 14 year old boy when he had the vision. He was known by the people in his community and his own family as a story teller.
The LDS church today has decided to use a "standardized version" of Joseph Smith’s first vision.
You would think that if God where to come and talk to you that you would probably get most of the story straight, or at least be able to communicate it clearly the first time without changing it.
Brigham Young, an apostle of Joseph Smith and 1st President of the Mormon Church was still unsure about who or what actually visited Joseph Smith. Eventually Brigham Young preached a sermon declaring that it was probably angels that Joseph saw.
This is what he said,
“The Lord did not come…but He did send His angel to this same obscure person, Joseph Smith….and informed him that he should not join any of the religious sects of the day…”
“The Lord did not come…but He did send His angel to this same obscure person, Joseph Smith….and informed him that he should not join any of the religious sects of the day…”
–Brigham Young, journal of Discourses Vol. 2 pg 171
And so, what is the foundation of the Mormon religion?
A teenage boy, Joseph Smith, known for being a storyteller, claims to have a supernatural "vision from God" that led him to reject all historical Biblical Christianity. He starts a new religion that steals concepts, characters and names from the Bible, but his religion opposes what the Bible clearly teaches. He spreads his religion through a changing testimony about his "first vision" and a book called The Book of Mormon. His most loyal followers are unsure about his original vision and yet hold to the fundamental anti-christian teachings of Joseph Smith. From this foundation the present day Mormon religion has been built.
Any religion based upon a false prophet is a false religion. Any religion built upon a faulty foundation will fail, if not in this world, certainly in the next.
Build your life upon the unfailing foundation of having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Mormonism is not a Christian religion because it is not built upon Christ.
Dear Mormon friend, you have nothing to fear from reading this material and seeking God with all of your heart. God promises in the Bible that if you honestly seek Him with all of your heart, you will find Him. And the Bible says it is impossible for God to lie. I hope this blog helps you on your journey to God. And remember, according to the Bible, when we die, we will not stand before fallen or sinful men or women, before and organization or religion, but rather we will stand face to face with Jesus Christ, God's Only Son, and give an account for our lives. It is my prayer that you would begin that personal relationship with Jesus now while He is still offering mercy for forgiveness as your Savior rather than standing before Him after you die and He stands as your Judge. Come to Jesus and be saved.