As a Bible believing Christian I welcome and encourage any honest seekers to investigate the deep and sacred doctrines of Christianity, the origins and practices of the faith, and the historicity and trustworthiness of the Scriptures. There is nothing "off limits," and no rock should be left un-turned. I think all religions should welcome scrutiny, hard questions and even skepticism. Jesus said the greatest commandment was to love God with all your heart, all your soul, and ALL YOUR MIND. -Matthew 22:37. To refuse to investigate the truth claims of any religion because of personal bias, tradition or feelings is to neglect to love God with ALL you mind. God created our minds to be used in pursuing Him, His wisdom and truth. We must never say, "Don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is already made up." Jesus said, "If you continue in His word, you are His disciple and you will know the truth and the truth will make you free." John 8:31-32. Truth can be discovered. Truth can be known. And truth can change our lives forever. May God bless you as you seek His truth with a pure heart.
The following blogs will lay out the differences between Mormonism and Christianity, Mormonism's founder Joseph Smith and Christianity's founder Jesus Christ, and will also mention some of the differences between modern day main-stream Mormonism and Mormonism's foundations established upon its polygamist founders and presidents.
As you read these blogs please ask yourself the following questions:
1-Is the information I'm being presented with true or false?
2-Based upon this information is Mormonism a Christian religion?
3-And now would I consider a Mormon to be a Christian?
And so, as I post these blogs about Mormonism over the next few days I hope that they are educational and enlightening. Please feel free to investigate all my facts, and if you have any questions, concerns or want to continue the conversation you can email me personally at: stephensfamily.g@gmail.com
The goal of these blogs is to point people to Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life!