Merry Christmas everyone! We hope you had a great time with family this year. And to those of you that know Christ we hope you were able to break free from all the hustle and bustle of the Holidays and really pause and thank Jesus for His wonderful death on the cross for our sins and His wonderful life and resurrection! Praise God we celebrate a risen Savior and not some dead prophet or religious figure. Praise God that we can know and experience Him personally, and individually through His grace and by faith in Him. Thank God Jesus is not a religion but a Person we can love and be loved by. May this next year be full of passion and love for God and people. Happy New Year!

We had almost a foot of snow today. James named the snowman "John."

All bundled up.

James has a snow buddy with Holly!

Christmas Day we drove down to Fayetteville, North Carolina to visit with some great friends and awesome believers, the Taylors.

A couple days before Christmas we were blessed to spend some time with Angela's family.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year!