Hi Everyone,
I know its been a while since we last posted. We have to wait until we're somewhere that has the web to get online and then put the blogs on. I'll try to get updates posted more regularly for those who look at this blog. But anyway, here's a quick update on what's going on. We hope everyone is doing well, had a great Thanksgiving, and is experiencing God's grace and love daily. God is so good to us.
Well, I finally landed a job in the end of October with an Air Conditioning and Heating Company called "G&M Service." They specialize in some top-of-the-line residential air conditioning systems. I thank God because they hired me almost on the spot with the little experience that I've had and were willing to spend a few weeks training me and bringing me up to speed so that I can do residential preventive maintenance and service on heaters and air conditioners. God sovereignly moved me in to work for this company in ways that I have yet to fully appreciate, and I don't think there are many or any Christians there, and so it is an answer to prayer to be there and begin to reach out to the others with the love of Jesus Christ. This is the job, and these are the people we were praying for when we still lived in Vegas. This is my mission field and these are the natives God has called me to lay down my life for. Please pray for God's kingdom to come into the hearts of those I am blessed to work with. Also, this job affords me the ability to drive all over the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill area and learn the culture of the communities surrounding us. This is indeed a great mission field and we are slowly growing more in love with a state, city and community we knew nothing about less than a year ago.

God blessed us with a rental home a few weeks ago less than a mile from my new job. It's a 3 bedroom 2 bath with a carport (nice for the rain) and a backyard (nice for James). We live in Garner, North Carolina about 5 minutes south of downtown Raleigh in a neighborhood called Greenbrier Estates. Our address is 4405 Greenbrier Rd. Raleigh, NC 27603 in case anyone wants to Google Earth it and virtually walk around the community and city. We love the community, our neighbors are some sweet young adult Christians.Our neighborhood has all ages and nationalities, with lots of kids, and it also has a cute little pond with ducks and a park just right around the corner walking distance from our house. Our backyard has a little red barn shed. Its a cool place to chill and pray and play guitar. We're hoping that revival will break out in our little red barn, at least in my life. We have officially settled in the community and neighborhood God has called us to for this first year. Here we will serve God, love people, share the grace of God in Christ and trust God to expand His Kingdom as He softens the hearts of those who do not know Him. We know that it is only His Holy Spirit who can change the lives of those who don't even want Him. Please pray for us as we desire only to be led by Him.
Angela and James are doing well. She is finally able to build a nest and he has a home and neighborhood to play in. She has a full-time job caring for him and then taking care of me too. But she's an awesome wife and mom, and I know God has lots of plans for using her to minister to ladies here in Raleigh. God has given me a wonderful missionary wife and minister in Angela. God has clearly shown us that if our marriage and family is not right with God then all other ministry is powerless and vain. Please pray for our marriage and family if you think about it. Thanks!
Most of you know that Holly from Las Vegas is going to be coming to North Carolina before the year is up and we're looking forward to her staying with us and getting on her feet. She'll be staying in our extra bedroom. God has placed a call upon her heart to move here and serve God. She is going to be a wonderful blessing to God's kingdom here and especially our family. Also, some of you might have already heard, but Anthony and Melanie Kinzer with their little girl are moving here in January. God has spoken to their hearts and called them into ministry here in North Carolina. We're excited to see what God has in store for everyone and what He's going to do with us as a ministry team. We covet your prayers, for God's will to be done and His kingdom to come in each of our lives and wherever He will have us reaching out to others. Please pray for "love and unity" so that, as the Bible says, the world may know that we are Christ's disciples and that truly the Father has sent Jesus as Savior into the world!
James had a great 2nd Birthday on November 13th. Two of his grandmas came to visit him and we all went to Chucky Cheese's to party a little. He had a lot of fun just running around being crazy! It was also really nice to have his grandmas here.