We've had North Carolina on our hearts now for 3 years. It's been randomly consistent. And so we've decided to venture out, check it out and see if it's indeed the Lord who is directing us.
We're looking to move to Raleigh (the Capital) of North Carolina, and from there we will seek God's direction on where He wants us to live specifically.
The Bible says in Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the LORD with all of your heart; do not lean on your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path."
We have God's Divine promise to lead us! That's all we need...

10 North Carolina Fun Facts
1. North Carolina’s State Motto is “Esse quam videri” or, as we say in English, “To be rather than to seem.”
2. The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill is the oldest State University in the United States.
3. In 1903 the Wright Brothers made the first successful powered flight by man at Kill Devil Hill near Kitty Hawk.
4. High Point is known as the Furniture Capital of the World.
5. Krispy Kreme Doughnut was founded in Winston-Salem.
6. The Venus Fly-Trap is native to Hampstead.
7. The first miniature golf course was built in Fayetteville.
8. The first English child born in America was born in Roanoke in 1587. Her name was Virginia Dare.
9. Pepsi was invented and first served in New Bern in 1898.
10. Babe Ruth hit his first professional home run in Fayetteville on March 7, 1914.